Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jordynn's Photo Session

So I have been in NJ for the weekend and had a wedding to shoot yesterday with Julia. Today was alot slower than the wedding. I took pictures of beautiful Jordynn today at a beautiful park called, Double Trouble State Park. Great place to take pictures btw, so if you are ever in NJ i suggest going there. I wish that there was State Parks like this one close to my house. But anyway we all had a great day and an awesome time shooting! :D Julia assisted me and Jordynn was the model and her friend Amanda came to watch and help out! Thank you girls so much for your help and i had a great time shooting!\



  1. such great pictures, but i think she would look better if her hair wasn't taking over her face. Half of it should be pushed back behind her shoulder.

  2. Thanks,
    We did push her hair back in alot but i just forgot alot of time time. I still don't think they look bad at all lol

  3. emily, i have to say, your work is amazing. this pictures are amazing.
